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Getting to know your destashed wheel

Writer's picture: Evanita W. MontalvoEvanita W. Montalvo

Hiya Everyone!

This post is to help members of our flock who have purchased a destashed wheel and want to ensure everything is set up correctly and in good condition. First, we recommend that you download the manual for your wheel.

Give Your Wheel a Check-Up

While reviewing the manual please make sure to check over the whole wheel to ensure everything is set up correctly. Over time the prior owner may have changed things such as tension belt setup or alignment of parts which may not be ideal for operation. It is important to make sure to compare your wheel to the photos in the manual to make sure everything is set up correctly. If you are ever in doubt about something with your wheel please don't hesitate to reach out and contact us through

Flyer Guide Alignment One of the most common things we notice is that flyer guides are not positioned correctly. The wire loop of the guides must face toward the bobbin rather than facing up. When in any position other than facing in towards the bobbin this can result in your yarn snagging on the guide. The exception to this is the Magpie Art Flyer guides (not Pro Art) which must be positioned to properly align with the front of the flyer.

Wire Guides must face toward the bobbin. Other positions may result in yarn snagging on the guide.
Wire Guides must face toward the bobbin. Other positions may result in yarn snagging on the guide.
For Magpie Art Flyers guides must be in this position to provide proper alignment with the front of the flyer and to avoid potential collisions with other parts of the wheel.
For Magpie Art Flyers guides must be in this position to provide proper alignment with the front of the flyer and to avoid potential collisions with other parts of the wheel.

Wheel Alignment

There are several other aspects of the wheel that need to be in proper alignment. Check the following to ensure everything is aligned well.

Motor - The back of the motor should be flush with the back of the motor mount. If the motor or motors(in the case of Falcon and Magpie V2) are sticking out the back of the motor mount this can cause a lack of gap between the motor pinion and the motor mount preventing the motor pinion from rotating properly. If your find that your motor(s) are not flush with the back of the motor mount simply remove the mount mount from your wheel and push the motor forward. If you have a dual motor

Magpie set up in Irish Tension with Motors flush with the back of the motor mount.
Magpie set up in Irish Tension with Motors flush with the back of the motor mount.

Motor Mount - The motor mount should be positioned so that the drive belt is parallel with either the face or rear of the wheel. For wheels with dual speed pinions like this Starling V3FP below you will need to scoot the motor forward or back when changing which groove on the pinion you wish to use.

Tension Belt - For wheels where the Tension pieces can slide along the wheel's chassis carbon fiber tubes you'll want to make sure they are positioned so that the tension belt is parallel with the face or rear of the wheel. When determining whether the spring is on the left or right side of the wheel see information provided in the manual.

Note that Daedalus wheels use two different materials for tension belts. For wheels without aluminum whorls on flyers and bobbins such as the Sparrow we use a black cord and for wheels with aluminum drums on bobbins and flyers (for wheels that can go into Irish) we use a yellow Kevlar cord. Kevlar should never be used on any plastic portion of the wheel or bobbins. While the Sparrow does come with aluminum whorl bobbins it cannot use Kevlar on its flyer so it only comes with the black cord material.

Parts of your Flyer

The flyer has a few key components you'll want to review.

Rubber O-ring - At the base of the flyer axle you should see a small black rubber O-ring. This piece provides the appropriate distance between the flyer's magnets and the bearing of your bobbin.

This is an example of a Rubber O-ring found at the base of all Daedalus Flyers.
This is an example of a Rubber O-ring found at the base of all Daedalus Flyers.

Bobbin Orientation - Your bobbin should have the aluminum whorl facing the back of your wheel.

Sparrow set up in Irish Tension
Sparrow set up in Irish Tension

Rear Bearing - Your flyer will have one loose bearing on it that is placed at the very end of the flyer's axle. This will magnetically seat the flyer onto the rear of the wheel. The rear of the wheel will have magnets for it to latch onto.

Rear Bearing held in place by two magnets
Rear Bearing held in place by two magnets

Power Supply

Making sure you have the right way to power your wheel is extremely important. All of our wheels operate at 15V. When receiving a destashed wheel make sure that the included power supply is 15V.


If a battery is included with your wheel make sure it is capable of powering the wheel at 15 volts.

Cleaning Your Wheel

You may find that your wheel may need a little TLC. To better understand how to care for your wheel in terms of cleaning make sure to check out our blog "A Spa Day for your Daedalus Spinning Wheel".

As a new Daedalus owner the first thing you'll want to do is head over to our Warranty Page to register your device. When purchasing your wheel second hand the warranty does not transfer but we do recommend filling out the warranty registration form that way we can update our database with who currently owns the wheel.

Make sure you read over your manual. Your wheel and/or winder may have come with a manual but if it didn't you can find our PDF manuals here. We also have PDF manuals for our Speed Controller and Battery. We highly recommend downloading all of your manuals and reading them over to ensure you know everything about your Daedalus product. You can download your manuals by going to the FAQ page and then click the "Download Manuals" button to be taken to the manuals section of the page.

We have step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Tension Belt in the manual with photos but if you need to see larger photos we also have the same information available in our blog with images that can be viewed larger when clicked on.

Please also note that the Kevlar (yellow) tension belts are only to be used on aluminum whorl surfaces only. Do not use Kevlar on plastic surfaces.

Our FAQ page contains the following super helpful information. 

  • Wheel Comparison Table

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • PDF Manual Downloads

  • RPM Comparison Charts for Current and Retired Wheels

  • RPM Comparison Chart PDF

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Social Media

When posting to social media please make sure to tag us @DaedalusSpinningWheels and #daedalusspinningwheels so we can see what you are working on. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Threads.

@daedalusspinningwheels on Threads

Saturday Night Zoom Spin In


The Daedalus Saturday Zoom Spin In takes place every Saturday at 7 pm Eastern (EDT) and usually runs at least a few hours. All spinners are welcome no matter what spinning device you own and we aren't always spinning so even if you are knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc come craft with us! 


Id 803 600 7502 Passcode 197552 

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